Bear Creek Arsenal 300 Blackout Upper Review In this part of the review I'm going to cover what comes in the box when I ordered this fully assembled upper receiver from Bear Creek Arsenal. This box arrived at the front door of my house. I was very surprised that they hide their logo which might indicate the contents inside the box could be firearms related.
The end of the box had a sticker showing the SKU number for this item. When I opened the box, the contents were packaged as shown below. Other than the fully assembled upper receiver, the only other item was a sticker with their logo. The packaging did a great job and the upper assembly came in perfect condition.
This next photo shows the overall assembly as received. As I was examining the upper, I decided to check the torque on the 8 handguard bolts and found the torque to be very low (nearly none). Then I checked the flash hider and it was better, but still had very little torque. In the end, I did a full disassembly of the major components and found them all to have very little torque. I contacted BCA and was able to resolve the issue and will discuss this more in the next part of this review. I'm including this disassembly photo below to give you a good idea of the value I got from purchasing this fully assembled upper receiver. This was a bunch of hardware for $210. First Impressions My first impressions of the Bear Creek Arsenal Upper Receiver Assembly were very positive. The overall quality of the components looked good. The finish of the upper and handguard looked to have a more of a premium appearance than I was expecting and I am still shocked that I got all this plus the bolt carrier group for such a value price. Personally, I don't see how they can make money on Black Friday sales allowing this to sell for as cheap as $210. My impression on the assembled components is not good. Everything was well below any legitimate torque values and would require a buyer to check everything themselves. For more detailed photos and commentary, make sure you check out the other parts of this review and feel free to leave comments below. The following links are provided to help you see other parts of this review.
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